Social Media Lead Generator | Data Entry | Admin

Job Posted: 11.02.2022 12:46:51

Job Title: Lead Generator | Appointment Setter| Data Entry

Location: Virtual/anywhere


We have a digital marketing agency called and we help Accounting/Tax Advisory Firms to get more clients online using Organic Marketing via Facebook & LinkedIn and our proven formula of messaging, funnel building, testing etc. While other digital agencies provide services to all businesses in all industries, we focus specifically on Accounting and Tax Advisory Firms. This gives us a competitive edge and our clients love it.

About the Job:

We’re looking for a Rockstar in “Lead Generation” and “Appointment Setting” to work with us and deliver amazing results. As our Lead Generator/ Appointment Setter, you will work with us and be responsible for the following tasks:

*Searching for ideal clients/ Leads on Sales Navigator
*Connecting with Ideal clients on LinkedIn
*Sending Message scripts to New Connections on LI
*Setting Appointments using Calendly with Leads who are interested
*Providing daily, regular updates to us Etc. etc. etc.


As the title says, we’re looking for a “Rockstar in “Lead Generation” and “Appointment Setting” and this doesn’t mean anybody… You must satisfy all of the following requirements to be considered for this job:

*Experience messaging and connecting on Social Media Accounts i.e. LinkedIn
*Ability to work through large volumes of leads on a daily basis
*Attention to Quality, this is more important that quality/volume
*Ability to check on message progress and report results into a Google Spreadsheet daily.
* Ability to identify interested Leads and Book them onto a Appointment with us

***Your most important Job will be to keep our calendar filled with Appointments with Leads and you will be well rewarded for this!

How to Apply:

To apply for this job please send over a brief 1-2 sentence description about why you believe this job is for you. Please confirm that you meet all the requirements and send as much proof as possible to back it up. Finally, why should we hire you over all the other applicants

To start you need register at Upwork, apply now. Its free!
This and other jobs await your proposal.

Withdraw money from fiverr, upwork, freelancer, one hour translation, shuttershock, gettyimages etc with Payoneer

Get Paid Directly to Your Local Indian Bank Account in INR at Low Cost – only 2%.
Your clients can now pay you from their credit card or bank account via the Payoneer Billing Service

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