Data Extraction & Assimilation (From PDF, Excel, Website) to Excel & Folders

Job Posted: 02.03.2022 4:45:39

We are a furniture business and require data extraction for our backend.

You will be extracting detailed information, pricelist, imagery from our supplier’s catalogues and website and renaming them to fit our existing backend. This is not a single one-off Job as when successfully completed we will require consistent updates at intervals to maintain the data involved and to add more suppliers.

We would like you to be able to problem-solve easy tasks and have logical thinking to ensure that the data extracted is useful for us and our customers. And place yourself in the customers and our shoes of what is required data to make the sell, the required data to process the order snd extract these details to our spreadsheet and folders.

By the end of the process, we expect a spreadsheet of the specific supplier catalogue and online data with all required data fields populated, images extracted and saved and renamed to their matching item code. Anything of low quality eg photo, description etc are highlighted and noted, inconsistencies noted.

We look forward to working with you.

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