Virtual Personal Assistant | Email Management, CRM, Organization

Job Posted: 15.02.2022 0:55:55


My name is Jake Valentine, I live in Vancouver Canada. I currently run three different jobs and need a virtual personal assistant.

As I work in Pacific Standard Time I need an assistant who also works from 9-5 PST, though it probably won’t be eight hour days. It’s more likely to be 4 to 6. This position is best suited to people working in North and South America though I am open to other regions provided my hours’ work.

Most of your work will be administrative work to take the workload off of my plate. Much of it will come down to filing and tracking emails properly which I will teach you. Loading emails into various email systems which again I will teach you. Reply with the Secret code word: pineapple when you respond to this job. Tracking replies and customers in various pieces of software like Notion, Google Sheets, and others.

I will try hard to communicate what is needed, but I need someone who is proactive and can anticipate problems before they occur

Occasionally if I am very busy I will ask you to help me with personal matters as well, such as ordering my groceries through Spud (a local grocery delivery service), finding me a meal plan, hiring cleaners, and scheduling them. Making small calls on my behalf (no cold calling, don’t worry. It would mostly be small stuff like scheduling with the bank/setting appointments).

The technology you must be comfortable with:
Slack, Google Docs, Google Sheets,, Front, Gmail, Zoom, Phone Calls, Upwork, Loom, WhatsApp, Screen Sharing.

You must be comfortable communicating via Zoom, Phone Calls, WhatsApp, Loom.

You do not always have to have your camera on, but audio and visual communication will be part of this.

You must be comfortable using Grammarly and ensuring that all messages have proper grammar and punctuation.

In order for me to understand the situation, Daily and Weekly reports will have to be compiled in Google Sheets on time. These are of great importance.

If you are working from 9-5, you must be available on slack and receiving and returning messages. If I message you and “You didn’t receive it” that will not work for me.

Additionally, you may have to scheduled elements and draft documents for me (I will teach you)

Some tasks may be beyond your skills or bandwidth, that is ok. I would only ask you to then be capable of hiring and communicating a different contractor off Upwork to do so.

It is critical that you have creative problem-solving capabilities. If you don’t know something that’s perfectly normal I would expect you to use Google and YouTube to try to solve the problem on your own before coming. The purpose of the role is to take problems off of my plate and solve them on your own. Of course, I am happy to help out if it is nuanced or requires specific insight (login information, etc)

The work is not demanding or difficult, but it can be somewhat boring.

My hope is that this position is your main job, that you work for a long time and you enjoy the job and everything that you will learn here.

I am happy to provide mentorship and insight on entrepreneurship as well if that is of interest.

Here is a good video of what I am looking for

If you are interested in the position, feel that you are a good fit and qualify please let me know.

Step 1: Responding to this message
Step 2: Complete a test project to assess problem solving and skills (paid of course)
Step 3: Hired and brought on for a probationary period to determine fit

To start you need register at Upwork, apply now. Its free!
This and other jobs await your proposal.

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