Have 25.00 pounds of fat weight to lose to get within your medically safe BMI weight range?

Job Posted: 17.02.2022 20:58:39

Not sure how to successfully approach weight loss, ask the expert science-based Diet, Exercise, Lifestyle Support Team through advanced comments.

Scientific weight loss and body type science are the future, including new science-based diet, exercise, lifestyle, metabolism, BMR, calories, and BMI data: https://www.fellowone.com/category/fellow-one-research/the-four-body-types/body-type-science/body-type-quiz/scientific-weight-loss/ask-gnosis-comments/?ref=1&Upwork_jp=6A/

This job starts with eligibility by taking the Scientific Body Type Quiz and is all about being able to carefully follow instructions. So if following instructions is not your thing, do not apply.

This job also requires a smartphone to take three appropriate research pictures (no face, maintain privacy).

Two Comments/Discussion to Clarify (post-Body Type Quiz submission), TBD

Before applying, please review a scientific Body Type Quiz & Advanced Scientific Weight Loss Diary participant, including weekly three (3) required images and regular official scientific weigh-in videos to verify weight: https://www.fellowone.com/fellow-one-research/the-four-body-types/body-type-quiz/body-type-test-quiz-results-933-body-type-two-bt2-female-woman-millennial-generation-y/?ref=1&Upwork_jp=6A/

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